Products & Markets
- Pleasing growth of main business
- Heterogeneous global market environment
- Pleasing growth of main business
- Heterogeneous global market environment
In the first half of 2013, the EMS Group, with its companies combined in EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG and with global activities in the business areas High Performance Polymers and Specialty Chemicals, achieved an increase in net sales of 5.5% and in operating income (EBIT) of 9.3% compared to the previous year.
Consolidated net sales amounted to CHF 954 million (904) which is 5.5% higher than for the same period of the previous year. In local currencies growth in net sales would have been 5.7%, with the same scope of consolidation*) 2.8%. In a volatile and heterogeneous market environment EMS was able to successfully further increase business in the main area of High Performance Polymers and in the main sales markets Asia and Europe. Especially positive development was shown by numerous new product applications for structural parts and the automotive business of the Business Unit EMS-EFTEC.
Net operating income (EBIT) rose to CHF 183 million (167), which is 9.3% above the previous year. Operational cash flow (EBITDA) increased to CHF 210 million (191) and by 9.7% compared to the previous year. The EBIT margin reached 19.2% (18.5%), the EBITDA margin 22.0% (21.2%). Growth achieved with high-margin specialty products in the main area of High Performance Polymers had a positive effect on both result and result margin.
At the Annual General Meeting of the EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG, the current Members of the Board Dr Ulf Berg and Magdalena Martullo as well as Urs Fankhauser and Dr Joachim Streu as new members will be proposed for election. Dr Hansjörg Frei and Dr Werner Prätorius are not standing for re-election for reasons of age. In addition, re-election of KPMG AG as Statutory Auditor and payment of a dividend of CHF 10.00 (7.00) per share will be requested.
EMS believes the heterogeneous development for the different markets will persist. Overall for 2013, EMS continues to expect net sales and net operating income (EBIT) to be slightly above those of the previous year.
*) In the Business Unit EMS-EFTEC, business in Central and Eastern Europe has been fully consolidated since April 1, 2013 (previously consolidated according to the equity method).