(Ad hoc announcement pursuant to article 53 Listing Rules SIX)
(Ad hoc announcement pursuant to article 53 Listing Rules SIX)
On July 16, 2021 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2021. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available, based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2021. The definitive half-year report shows no significant changes to the provisional report.
The EMS Group achieved consolidated net sales amounting to CHF 1,166 million (845), which is an increase of 38% compared to previous year.
The global economy recovered noticeably, which had a positive influence on sales volumes. Significant state support and stimulus measures are generating confidence and having a positive effect on consumer spending. Delivery bottle necks in supply chains are forcing the automotive industry to reduce production. Shortages in the raw material markets and logistic capacity are causing ongoing prices increases.
Thanks to a strong position with specialty products, EMS was able to achieve a net operating income (EBIT) of CHF 322 million (227) – an increase of 41.9% compared to previous year. The operational cash flow (EBITDA) rose to CHF 350 million (254). The EBIT margin was 27.6% (26.8%) and the EBITDA margin 30.0% (30.0%). In local currencies, net sales and operating income (EBIT) reached new record levels.
Net financial income amounted to CHF 4 million (-2).
Net income for the first half of 2021 reached CHF 281 million (192).
Equity increased to CHF 1,886 million (31.12.2020: CHF 1,598 million). The equity ratio was 76.1% (31.12.2020: 76.9%).