On July 12, 2019 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2019. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2019. The definitive half-year report contains no significant deviations from the provisional report.
The EMS Group achieved consolidated net sales amounting to CHF 1,154 million (1,199).
The economy weakened significantly. EMS prepared particularly early and consistently for a slowing of the economy. With successful realization of planned innovative new business, EMS was able to absorb the drop in sales caused by the weaker economy.
Thanks to a strong position with specialty products and due to early and decisive actions, the net operating income (EBIT) closed at CHF 316 million (312) which is an increase of 1.0% compared to previous year. The operational cash flow (EBITDA) rose by 1.6% to reach CHF 345 million (339). The EBIT margin was 27.4% (26.1%), the EBITDA margin 29.9% (28.3%).
Net financial income amounted to CHF -1 million (0).
Net income for the first half of 2019 reached CHF 266 million (260) which is 2.5% above previous year.
Equity increased to CHF 1,871 million (31.12.2018: CHF 1,625 million). The equity ratio is 75.6% (31.12.2018: 75.3%).
Dr. Urs Zimmerli, member of Executive Management of the EMS Group since August 2018, will leave the EMS Group for personal reasons by the end of February 2020.