On July 11, 2008 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2008. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available. This is based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2008. The definitive half-year report contains no significant deviations from the provisional report.
On July 11, 2008 the EMS Group published its provisional half-year report 2008. The definitive consolidated half-year report is now available. This is based on the individual financial statements of the affiliated companies as at June 30, 2008. The definitive half-year report contains no significant deviations from the provisional report.
As already stated on July 11, 2008, consolidated net sales revenue rose by 6.9% to CHF 837 million (783). With the same scope of consolidation*), net sales revenue would have increased by 2.7%. Net operating income (EBIT) increased by 1.9% to CHF 136 million (134), EBITDA rose by 1.0% to CHF 163 million (162).
Net financial income amounted to CHF 2 million (36).
Due to the lower net financial income, net income for the first half of 2008 was CHF 111 million (133) and cash flow totalled CHF 138 million (162).
Equity decreased due to the repurchase of shares to CHF 1’076 million (31.12.2007: CHF 1’277 million). The equity ratio is 52.2% (31.12.2007: 56.1%).