Course of business third quarter 2009 (July - September 2009)
Course of business third quarter 2009 (July - September 2009)
With its companies combined in the EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG and global activities in the business areas Performance Polymers and Fine Chemicals / Engineering, the EMS Group achieved consolidated net sales to the amount of CHF 325 million (375) in the third quarter of 2009. Despite traditionally weaker summer months, this net sales figure was clearly higher than in both previous quarters. A comparison to the previous year also shows a clear improvement in the business situation. While net sales in the first quarter dropped by 40% and in the second quarter by 31%, compared to the previous year, in the third quarter they were 14% below the previous year’s figures. Net operating income (EBIT) was also significantly higher than in the previous quarters while a slight increase in the net operating income margin (EBIT margin) was achieved.